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  • Writer's pictureEllie

A Sephora in Logroño?! (Pre-departure musings part 2)

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Today was the first day I booked myself an intentional chunk of time to pack. After a summer of keeping my "Spain Packing List" reminder list updated whenever I thought of something and making mental notes of documents I need to place somewhere accessible in my bag, I realized that it is finally time to put the pedal to the metal, as they say, and actually see much I can fit in these two bags.

Right as I mustered up the energy to start creating piles on my bed of "definitely" and "maybe; try on" items, a text dinged my phone: Jesuitas' sweet Fulbright ETA from this past school year texted me to check in and see if I was still feeling excited about preparing to leave for Spain. I said that, yes, but chiefly, I am just so ready to stop talking about it and get there!!! (I found myself repeating variations of my little what-I'm-doing-this-year blip upwards of 45 times in 24 hours at a family event this past week and just felt a tad bit self-absorbed and depleted afterwards...) I also asked her if she had any last minute tips for what not to pack in my one suitcase and one carryon bag.

Among other useful tidbits of advice (huge thank you, Morgan!), this conversation revealed that I do not need to pack stockpiles of most beauty products that have found their way into my regimen—Logroño has its very own Sephora store right in town!

I've got no valid reason why, seeing as I knew Logroño had its own Zara and Mango, but this news was jaw-dropping to me. I looked at the x4 of my favorite concealer and x3 of my favorite drugstore mascara sitting already stacked neatly on my counter and laughed at my reflection in my bathroom mirror. Don't underestimate how much you really will be able to get everything you need there, I repeated in my head, a hymn.

Time to nix some denim shorts, some Americana party tops, the third black sweater, that random extra pair of trainers, the neon-colored jumbo packs of highlighters and sticky notes I thought I'd need to stash in the side of my backpack like whispered memories of the mid-August Target runs of my youth. Maybe I'll find my new home base to be like Goldilock's perfect bowl of porridge: just right. This year certainly will not revolve around shopping, but it's so nice to know that some of the luxuries I don't even have at home in Oklahoma will exist within walking distance of my new lodgings.

I'm hitting my scarf-covered pillow tonight feeling pretty lucky.

With love,


Image from Infobel showing Sephora on Av. Gran Vía Juan Carlos in Logroño.

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Sep 03, 2022

so excited to hear about all your adventures!

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