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Words & Prayers

Prayers and other words I've collected in the in-between moments this year. All housed here. Check back every once in a while for more!

Litany of Patience

I discovered this beautiful litany during a long walk the day before leaving Spain for Christmas. Life was at one of those points of moving astonishingly fast, and in sensing that, I was losing a bit of patience with myself and my future. Patience is continually a virtue I lack and hope to grow in. Maybe it's the same for you. 


From the desire to control my life,

R: Deliver me, O Jesus.

From rash judgment and haste…

From impulsive decision making…F

rom the desire to act when I need to be still…

From the desire to speak when I need to stay silent…

From the delusion that my own ideas and plans are what would be best…

From impatience with the sins and idiosyncrasies of others…

From impatience with my own sins and slow growth in virtue…

From impatience with Your plan for my life…

From the desire to live on my own timeline…

From the fear of running out of time…

From the fear of aging and death…

From the temptation to act out of sorrow, discouragement, anxiety, or fear…


R: Lord, teach me to trust in your love so entirely.

That I may wait upon your Word before making important decisions.

That I may not get ahead of or behind your Spirit.

That I may maintain an eternal perspective in all that I do.

That I may accept and surrender to your will for me daily.

That I may truly believe that ALL things work for the good of those who love you.

That I may radiate to others Your peace and joy which surpass all understanding.


(Finish with an Our Father).


Found:  The Evangelista (Christina Grace), via Hallow

Cofradía Nuestra Señora la Virgen de la Alegría

Found:  Iglesia San Nicolás de Bari, Burgos, Castilla y León, España

This is the Memorare in Spanish:

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